Pests in London | Fleas


Fleas (Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis & Ctenocephalides canis) - Targetted Flea Control from Millennium Pest Control LondonHuman fleas (Pulex Irritans) are no longer common in the UK but can be found near pig farms as they can also survive on pigs. Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalides Felis) and Dog Fleas (Ctenocephalides Canis) are most common in the summer but can be active in centrally heated homes all year round.

Flea Facts

An adult flea is a tiny insect around the size of a pin head and dark brown in colour. They are flat in shape and have the ability to jump significant distances given their tiny size.

Cat fleas are the most widespread which can affect our homes throughout the year. Dog fleas are rarer and although neither animal fleas like human blood they have to bite before deciding it is not their preferred host.

Female fleas can live for up to 2 years laying thousands of eggs in that time. The eggs can lay dormant for long periods of time - only hatching when there is vibration caused by movement or increased temperatures or levels of carbon dioxide indicating a host is nearby.

If your pet has fleas the vast majority will not actually be on your pet, but instead in the carpets, fabrics and soft furnishings around the areas where they spend their time.

Flea bites are painless but cause an intense itchiness with a single flea often biting several times in quick succession. The bite is smaller than with many other insects and leaves a dark red spot.

Fleas (Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis & Ctenocephalides canis) Image Gallery
  • Fleas (Pulex Irritans) London
  • Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides Felis) London
  • Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides Canis) London

How to tell if you have fleas

  • Is your pet scratching more than normal?
  • Look at the roots of their hair for dark specks or moving fleas.
  • Flea saliva can cause an allergic skin reaction in pets or humans.
  • Flea bites on humans are commonly located around the ankles and are typically smaller than mosquito or bed bug bites.

Preventing fleas

Regularly check your pets for fleas or flea dirt.

Hoover regularly and clean around where your pet sleeps, washing pet bedding at hot temperatures.

If you have noticed fleas make sure you throw away the dustbag from your cleaner after each use to stop reinfestation the next time you hoover.

How to get rid of fleas

Pets can be regularly treated over the summer months when fleas are most common with a range of specific flea treatments. Consult your vet for recommended treatments.

Alternating chemical types can treat fleas that have built up insecticide resistance.

Hoover very regularly, throwing away the dustbag each time and clean and treat around where your pet naps and sleeps, washing pet bedding at hot temperatures.

The best method. Call the experts - we can use chemicals not available to the home owner, with a treatment plan guaranteed to solve your flea problem.